
Komodo Archipelago

SSituated between Sumbawa and Flores, Komodo is recognized as one of the UNESCO Great Wonders of the World with Komodo National Park holding UNESCO heritage status. Blessed with secluded beaches, crystal clear blue assure waters and stunning colorful coral reefs, it houses one of the world’s richest marine environments. With more than 260 species of coral, 70 species of sponges and over 1000 species of fish, along with a stunning variety of rare dolphins, turtles, manta rays, whales and dugongs.

Whilst diving, snorkeling and sailing are key draws to Komodo, due to warm and cold currents converging and meeting to produce the perfect temperate conditions, that attract large schools of pelagic, including dolphins, sharks, manta rays and blue whales, the key draw here are its prehistoric ‘dragons’. Komodo dragons are some of the world’s largest land dwelling reptiles, weighing in at an average 166 kilograms, and a gigantic 3.13 meters in length. It’s no surprise that a visit here, takes you back to a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Not only can you see these beautifully elegant giants, as they roam the pink sandy beaches, you can come up close and personal with them as you hike through spectacular trails with our guides and park rangers.

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