South East Asia map

Destinations Overview

Komodo Archipelago

The Komodo islands are blessed with secluded beaches, crystal clear waters, and stunning coral reefs. One of the world’s richest marine environments, this World Heritage Site has over 260 species of coral, 70 species of sponges, over 1,000 species of fish, along with marine reptiles, dolphins, whales, and dugongs. read more

Flores & Alor

The Flores Archipelago is composed of the narrow rugged island grouping strung with a chain of dramatic volcanoes. The landscape is beautiful in an untamed way, each island has it’s own traditional culture, handwoven textiles and languages, yet most people still live a traditional life of farming and fishing. read more

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat means “four kings”, referring to the islands Salawati, Batanta, Waigeo and Misool. This region on the north-western tip of New Guinea comprises about 610 islands spread over 50,000 sq km of spectacular scenery. read more

Cenderawasih Bay

Cenderawasih Bay along with Raja Ampat and Triton Bay, make’s up the Bird’s Head Seascape of West Papua. The bay was geologically isolated until recently, and because of this isolation, it contains a number of very colorful endemic species. read more

Tribal Papua

Papua is a tropical island of natural splendor with mighty rivers carving through the world’s second largest rain forest, over 2,700 species of orchids, scenic beaches, where snowcapped mountains tower over glacial lakes. Papua shelters many rare species of wildlife including the flightless cassowary and the fabulous bird of paradise. read more

Toradja – Sulawesi

In the highlands of South Sulawesi nestle the land of Toradja, which boasts spectacular mountainous landscapes and a truly vibrant traditional culture. The intricately carved traditional houses shaped like boats seem to sail across seas of green rice paddies strewn with massive boulders and ancient mysteries.

Savu Sea & Sumba

With Silolona as a base explore the little-known, yet fascinatingly diverse, islands of the Savu Sea. From “ikat” textiles, volcanic crater lakes to war dances, explore in-depth the ancient cultures rimming the Savu Sea. Each dawn reveals a new island landscape and a different culture, perhaps a gently smoldering volcano, or a sleepy native harbor bustling with traditional fishing craft and local schooners or a peaceful bay where you can enjoy unrivaled diving or the many available water activities. read more

Spice Islands of Banda

Long before our lookout sighted land, the scent of spices wafted across the burnished teak decks of our wooden sailing ship. There before us, nestled in the tranquil Banda Sea, lies an enchanted fragment of history, the center of the Spice Island trade, a tiny island that was once traded for an equally tiny island named Manhattan. read more

Mergui Archipelago, Myanmar

Opposite the Myanmar coast isolated and unchanged for centuries lie about 800 mountainous densely forested islands. Here impenetrable jungles meet white sandy beaches forming the Mergui Archipelago one of the last untouched island paradises. Animal and bird life is prolific. On the larger islands, elephants, tigers, deer, wild boars, and other species still exist in a time warp. read more


Siam, the magical Asian kingdom a blend of beauty, ancient traditions and tropical abundance. 16th century French travelers reported that the Siamese capital Ayutthaya was the most beautiful city in the East, rivaling Paris itself. Their detailed accounts described Siam as a land of fabulous temples and traditions set in pleasure garden surroundings. Since then Siam has inspired visions of a lush Far Eastern paradise, a land of luxury, gilded palaces, complex culture and intricate handicrafts. The truth about Siam is every bit as exotic as the fantastic accounts from the past 600 years. read more

Langkawi, Malaysia

The beautiful Malaysian archipelago of Langkawi is shrouded in mythical legends. According to one legend the name ‘Langkawi’ is a combination of two Sanskrit words, Langka (beauty) and Wi (innumerable) “the place of immense beauty”. For hundreds of years pirates hid among these islands where secret coves and lush tropical jungles protected them from prying eyes and the law, while the tall mountains served to watch for shipping. read more

Andaman Islands, India

by Special Request December to February.

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