
Raja Ampat

IIt is hard to believe that such visceral beauty exists in any part of the world, but in Raja Ampat (better known as the Four Kings), beauty takes on a whole new meaning. One of the most biodiverse regions on our planet, it is still off the beaten track for the average traveler, making it a unique Robinson Crusoe like escape. Made up of more than 600 islands, including the enchanting Misool islands with her majestic limestone peaks and precipitous cliffs and jagged spires, like jewels jutting out of the ocean floor, to the sublime Wayag Islands with their uninhabited picturesque beauty, which hold breath taking panoramic views as for those who want to hike to its stunning pea The underwater world is enchanting with the greatest and healthiest coral reef biodiversity for its size in the world, nearly 1200 species of fish and 540 species of coral have been recorded, 70% of the world’s total number of coral species.

Explore the most beautiful soft coral jungles of Asia, with their orange, red, purple and pink shades as well as whales on migration along the coast of Papua. Above the water, kayak in secret bays enclosed by jagged lime stone pinnacles covered with orchids and tropical vegetation. For lovers of the underwater world, there is simply no better place on earth, to witness some of the most rare and beautiful corals and marine life, on the planet today.

Seashell fossil

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