Pre & Post Cruise

We take pride and immense pleasure in making sure you have the best of everything during your Silolona Sojourn. Whether you desire your own massage therapist on call, a yoga master, or prefer a chartered plane or helicopter transfer, simply make your wishes known to us and they will happen.

Private Villas

TTo experience the art of living on land and at sea in South East Asia, pampered by oriental hospitality and smiles, we offer a portfolio of meticulously selected private villas and boutique hotels for the days before or after your sojourn. Our extensive experience and relations allow us to present a collection often unobtainable on the market.

Whether a villa overlooking Bali, the ocean views of Langkawi, or Phuket opulence, the sojourns we plan with you are more than just sea borne adventures. What ever your requirements we will happily facilitate every aspect to your satisfaction. While you enjoy your sojourn, we will synchronize the details.

Silolona sojourns carving

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